Rebecca Cheetham retains FLAGSHIP IQM status!

We are thrilled to announce that we have retained our Flagship status for the Inclusion Quality Mark award.
We had the pleasure of welcoming Julia Ridley to our school and children's centre for our IQM assessment. Coming very soon after our Ofsted inspection we were wondering how much energy we had to go through another assessment, but it was another wonderful opportunity to showcase all the wonderful things that we do at Rebecca Cheetham.
The assessor spoke to a variety of key stakeholders such as parents, children, school staff and governors in order to gather evidence in order to judge us a Flagship School. The opening line in the overview sums up the whole report: "This outstanding Nursery and Children's Centre is at the forefront of Inclusion in the Early Years sector. A member of staff described it as "a very special place where everyone's ethos of inclusion for all aligns.""
We are so lucky to have a team of wonderful staff who hold inclusion close to their hearts, expertly led by our Inclusion Manager and SENDCO, Farhana Hoque who pulls everything together for this award.
Once again, we are so proud of our achievements and we are always looking for ways to improve and make things better for our children and families.
Read the report below to reveal what the assessor thought during her visit to Rebecca Cheetham.