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Rebecca Cheetham Nursery & Children's Centre

Rebecca Cheetham Nursery & Children's Centre

Places of Worship Educational Visit

During a team meeting we couldn't decide on which place of worship to take the children to visit, so after a quick look at google maps, we decided to visit all three!

I had the absolute pleasure of joining our children and families on our latest ambitious educational visit where we visited three places of worship; Sri Mahalakshmi Temple, St Antony's of Padua and Al-hira Masjid all in the wonderful borough of London Borough of Newham. It was a full and busy day and really insightful for children, staff and parents to access all three in one day, helping to embrace our diverse community and celebrate our differences. Our aim in this is to support our school curriculum, (Learning Aspirations), specifically Aspiration 9; "Children have a strong sense of their family and the people that comprise their family unit and are able to talk confidently of their own family's culture and traditions. Children can also display knowledge of cultures and traditions different to their own."

It was a day of reverence, insight and unity and all places of worship were so wonderful and accommodating to our young children, showing care and adapting their discussions to such a young age.

The visits truly showed a glowing example of what modern life in Britain should be; our school community coming together to learn about different religious beliefs and practices and show the children that just because we are different, it doesn't mean that we can't be harmonious towards one another. 

I think this educational visit was a learning opportunity for both children and parents and we very much appreciate the wonderful commitment of our families who joined us on this challenge.

  • Ofsted Outstanding
  • Wellbeing Award
  • IQM Flagship Award
  • Unicef Bronze
  • LPPA Award