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Rebecca Cheetham Nursery & Children's Centre

Rebecca Cheetham Nursery & Children's Centre

Enrich / Empower / Evolve - Science in Jeffers Room

As part of our commitment to our new EEE Project (Enrich / Empower / Evolve) we have started introducing our expert areas into our provision for our children to access new and exciting areas of learning. In this blog post, Ruma from Jeffers Room talks about how we are embedding science into our provision.

This week we created a science area in Jeffers room where children can experiment with different types of science projects. The first science project we did was watching how water turns into ice and how fast the ice can melt into water.

We set up an investigation table containing a toy which was inserted inside a frozen ice block. Using the magnifying glasses and paintbrushes the children spent time throughout the day observing the experiment happily and with great interest. This created the most incredible learning buzz as the children were so highly engaged and focused on the task as it unfolded throughout the day. We had one child who went to get a cup of hot water from the sink, with the support of a teacher and had poured it over the ice to see what difference it would make to the process and when it did; this made the child very excited to see how effective the scientific intervention was and wanted to do it again.

The experiment was explained further to the children using a step by step processes of what we were going to do. We did a demonstration so all the children could see what the experiment was going to be about before we allowed the children to access the experiment at their leisure. We had a question and answer at the end of the lesson where they had to recall the experiment and most of the children were able to retell the experiment effectively.

  • Ofsted Outstanding
  • Wellbeing Award
  • IQM Flagship Award
  • Unicef Bronze
  • LPPA Award